Container distribution

Container distribution and transponder retrofitting

You want to supply an entire disposal area with containers quickly and cost-effectively or retrofit existing containers with transponders? whole disposal region quickly and cheaply with containers or retrofit existing containers with transponders? No problem, we can reliably solve this logistical challenge for you. Let us know your desired time frame and we will ensure that it is implemented on time.

Smooth processes
Container distribution is part of our daily business. All processes have been tried and tested many times and are well coordinated. This also pleases your customers, who expect and receive excellent service.

High transparency
We control the distribution of your containers with the help of our IT systems and provide you with insight into the current project progress via DISPONDO. In this way, you have an overview of which containers have already been distributed and are also able to provide information to your customers at any time. 

Team appropriate distribution
We organize the team and vehicle capacities to distribute your containers on time.

Concentrate on your forces
A large-scale distribution campaign ties up a lot of resources. If you do it yourself, you will not have the staff you need elsewhere. We provide you with our team so that yours can concentrate on your core business.

The procedure

  1. Creation of an individual distribution concept
  2. Preparation of the provided data
  3. Detailed planning of the distribution
  4. Composition of distribution teams
  5. Live tracking of the distribution progress via the DISPONDO software
  6. Data collection by recording the containers on delivery and feeding the data into DISPONDO

Find your personal contact persons here

Do you have any questions?

Do not hesitate to contact us personally. We are looking forward to meeting you!

+49 2735 6197-0

If you have a request or question, feel free to use the opportunity and write to us.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Innovation Hub