Vehicle Systems

Our vehicle systems are used globally and are highly adaptable.

With our vehicle solutions, your vehicles are optimally equipped to collect valuable data and transfer it to your DISPONDO operations management system.

Vehicle Systems

Easily acquire data on the road

With the help of our vehicle systems, you can automate:

  • Identify container
  • Weigh waste
  • Capture events at the touch of a button
  • Use camera recordings

Optimize existing routes
DISPONDO records all container changes, for example due to new placement or deductions, and always calculates the optimal route for your collection.

Plan new routes
You are in charge of a new area and your drivers do not know the routes yet? Based on the container identification via our vehicle systems, DISPONDO creates the optimal route for you and plays it to your drivers on the display in the vehicle cockpit.

Demonstrate performance and recycling rates 
If you have agreed performance-based billing with clients or have to prove recycling quotas, our weighing systems make life easy for you. They determine the relevant data so that you can pass it on in processed form. BSI certified on request.

Powerful and personal on site
Your local contact person is always there for you - knows our systems as well as your issues and supports you quickly and reliably.

Holistic solutions from a single source
SSI SCHAEFER Plastics is your partner for the entire waste disposal management process and, with DISPONDO operations management, our Smart Services and our vehicle systems, offers you a complete solution for all processes in which everything goes hand in hand and runs smoothly.

Find your personal contact persons here

Do you have any questions?

Do not hesitate to contact us personally. We are looking forward to meeting you!

+49 2735 6197-0

If you have a request or question, feel free to use the opportunity and write to us.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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