Container rental

Reduce capital expenditure,
Increase order opportunities

As a waste disposal company, would you like to provide containers but minimize the considerable investment before you even generate the first revenue? Then we have the solution: Rent instead of buy. Forgo the financial risk and rather invest the funds in the future. With the practical Rental model from SSI SCHÄFER Plastics.

Keep initial investment low
Buying all the containers for a disposal area means a high initial investment with an uncertain return on investment (RoI). This is only the case if you also receive follow-up orders. With our rental service you avoid this risk.

Always optimally equipped
As a rule, the order is placed for a period of time. This also means that if you purchase additional containers today, but the follow-up order fails to materialize, you will have assets sitting in your yard that you cannot work with. Our rental service ensures that you always have access to exactly the number of containers you need.

We know your business
Financing instead of using liquid funds to purchase containers - of course, your bank will also support you in this. But: We know your business and offer you comprehensive solutions from a single source in addition to containers and everything that goes with them. An added value from which you profit in every respect.

Submit competitive bids
When bidding for projects, price always plays an important role in addition to your performance. If you decide to use our rental service, you do not have to calculate the total acquisition costs of the containers and can therefore offer more favorably.

Lower rent for follow-up orders
We have designed our rental model so that it also pays off for you if you win not only the initial but also the follow-up tenders. If the rental period continues, the rental price is reduced. In this way, we help you to achieve your economic goals.

Find your personal contact persons here

Do you have any questions?

Do not hesitate to contact us personally. We are looking forward to meeting you!

+49 2735 6197-0

If you have a request or question, feel free to use the opportunity and write to us.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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